Health & safety statement
PPL Sport & Leisure Limited - Health & Safety Policy Issued January 2020
1. PPL Sport & Leisure Ltd recognises and accepts its responsibility as an employer and contractor to clients for ensuring a safe and healthy workplace and working environment for all of its employees and any other person who may be affected by the actions of PPL Sport & Leisure Ltd. Safety is the prime consideration for the Directors of PPL Sport & Leisure Ltd and they will apply this policy statement with due diligence to ensure full compliance with proactive safety management being pursued at all times.
2. PPL Sport & Leisure Ltd will take steps within its power to meet this responsibility paying particular attention to the provision and maintenance of:
a) A safe place of work and safe access to it.
b) A safe and healthy working environment.
c) Plant, equipment and systems of work that is safe.
d) Safe arrangements for the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances.
e) Sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable all employees to
f) Avoid hazards and contribute to their safety and health at work
g) Adequate welfare facilities
h) Adequate first aid facilities
As required by Section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Additionally, PPL Sport & Leisure Ltd will ensure an active regime of Risk Assessment is applied to all the activities carried out by PPL Sport & Leisure Ltd in full compliance with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.
3. To ensure continued safe conditions of work PPL Sport & Leisure Ltd will, ensure the provision of competent technical advice on safety and health matters, and will engage fully qualified professional safety advisers Rawlings Safety & Training Consultancy Services as their competent safety consultant.
4. PPL Sport & Leisure Ltd appoints competent employees only and co-operates fully with these employees providing them with the facilities and training to carry out their work in a safe manner. PPL Sport & Leisure Ltd reminds its employees of their duties under Section 7 of the Health and Safety at Work Act to care for their safety and that of other workers, client employees, the public etc. All employees of PPL Sport & Leisure Ltd shall co-operate fully with PPL Sport & Leisure Ltd to enable it to carry out its responsibilities successfully.
5. It is the policy of PPL Sport & Leisure Ltd to do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent personal injury, and property damage and to protect everyone, including other contractors, client’s employees and members of the public from foreseeable work hazards, which may result from any work carried out by PPL Sport & Leisure Ltd. As required by Section 3 of the Health and Safety at Work Act, and to employ an active Risk Assessment strategy as required by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, Regulation 3 and the supporting guidance HSG 65 for successful safety management.
6. Employees of PPL Sport & Leisure Ltd know and understand their duty to cooperate in the operation of this policy under Section 7 of the Health and Safety at Work Act-:
a) By working safely at all times
b) By using protective clothing and equipment
c) By reporting accidents and hazards
d) By adhering to procedures and systems of work at all times
e) By co-operating and liaising with the clients of PPL Sport & Leisure Ltd as necessary
A copy of this Safety Policy will be issued to all employees, including sub-contract workers. This policy will also be amended added or modified from time to time as industry practice improves or changes or given new legislation.
It may also be supplemented with further statements, risk assessments, (as required by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999) or method statements as necessary in the future. Clients of PPL Sport & Leisure Ltd will be provided with risk assessments and method statements as necessary.
The Directors of PPL Sport & Leisure Ltd accept full overall responsibility for fulfilling this safety policy and ensuring its effective implementation, and for practically applying this policy on all contractual works. This statement of safety policy is fully supported by the commitment of the Directors of PPL Sport & Leisure Ltd, validation signature is detailed below.
Signed Director:Â Carl Biggs
Carl Biggs
Date:Â 09/01/2020