Case Study
Jacksonville Jaguars – Programmes
Brief: The PPL Group were appointed by the Jacksonville Jaguars to produce and sell the official programme for the NFL Game against the Denver Broncos at Wembley Stadium.
Design, Fulfilment, Online Sales, Print, Publishing
Client / Year
Jacksonville Jaguars / 2022
Solution: Working closely with the Jaguars’ marketing and the NFL’s marketing & branding teams. A 112-page programme was designed in Portrait, A4 format, with a cover price of £10.
PPL created a visual style for the programme that reflected the Jacksonville Jaguars and the NFL’s core branding values around the event, projecting the excitement of the occasion, the teams, and the sport of American Football.
The programme was illustrated with exciting action photography to enhance the readership and add impact to the features and a commissioning editor was appointed and provided with an editorial budget. Features and editorial content were agreed upon in advance and leading journalists were contracted to write the features.
The programme was made available to buy worldwide via PPL’s online store and a call-to-action email marketing campaign was conducted, targeting PPL’s database of regular programme buyers.
The programme was sold via branded mobile booths, static Wembley Stadium booths, the merchandise shop and the merchandising unit on the concourse. As the stadium is cashless, PDQs were used throughout.
Our printer partner was provided with a delivery schedule and was asked to label each box by name and destination for Wembley Stadium and 4000+ complimentary and hospitality copies were delivered to Wembley Stadium and the Landmark Hotel, London.
Result: A stylish programme was produced and sold, and was very well received by the Jaguars and the sell-out crowd, direct sales and advertising income generated substantial revenues for the Jaguars and PPL were awarded an extension to our publishing and sales contract.
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