Case Study
SPIN Lancashire CCC Members – Magazine
Brief: The PPL Group were appointed by Lancashire County Cricket Club (LCCC) to produce and distribute SPIN, the official Club member’s magazine, three issues per year.
Design, Fulfilment, Print, Publishing
Client / Year
Lancashire County Cricket Club / 2017 to 2020

In 2017 we were tasked with updating the creating a new look and feel for the magazine to reflect the demographic readership of the members.
Solution: Working closely with the communication and marketing departments and all the while following LCCC corporate guidelines for font usage and logos, using dynamic photography and informative interesting content, strong font and infographics plus stylised photography to enhance the article’s overall look and design was elevated.
The size of the magazine was changed from A4 to B5
The magazine was posted to the members by name and address utilising a secure database provided by the Club.
Result: A bright modern and vibrant publication, with a high satisfaction rating among the members. A digital version of SPIN was created to circulate to LCC’s database.
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